External Grants
2022-25 DGE-NSF Research Traineeshipt DGS-2224857 (Co-PI) $499,999
"IGE: Engaging Science: Transforming Graduate Education through Public Engagement with
Science" (Lead PI: Angela Potochnik, UC)
2021-24 NSF, Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology (UC-PI) $185,556
“Collaborative Research: Integrative ecological perspectives on extinction processes - a
multi-proxy case study of Hispaniolan subfossil and extant rodents” (Lead PI: Siobhán
Cooke, Johns Hopkins)
2021-22 NSF Earth Sciences: Instrumentation and Facilities (Co-PI) $108,503
“Acquisition of a high temperature elemental analyzer for hydrogen and oxygen isotope
analysis of waters and solids for the University of Cincinnati Stable Isotope Laboratory” (PI:
Aaron Diefendorf, UC)
2018-23 National Science Foundation Award BCS-1749676 (UC-PI) $84,196
“Collaborative Research: Human and non-human influences on species biodiversity in an
island ecosystem” (Lead PI: Laurie Godfrey; UMASS Amherst)
2019 North American Falconers Association (PI) 2nd year renewal $1,850
“Can strontium and hydrogen identify breeding grounds? Testing a dual-isotope
approach for refining natal areas for migratory accipiters in North America?”
2017 North American Falconers’ Association (PI) $1,000
“Can strontium and hydrogen identify breeding grounds? Testing a dual-isotope
approach for refining natal areas for migratory accipiters in North America?”
2017 Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund (PI) 2nd year renewal $1,000
“Can isotopes in feces track the mobility of difficult to observe mammals?” Renewal
2016 Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund (PI) $1,000
“Can isotopes in feces track the mobility of difficult to observe mammals?”
2012-15 National Science Foundation (Co-PI) $400,000
“MRI: Acquisition of Stable Isotope Instrumentation for Biogeochemistry Research
and Teaching at the University of Cincinnati”
2012-15 In support of NSF Grant (Co-PI), Ohio Board of Regents Action Fund (Co-PI) $85,714
2008 Univertiy of California Lab Fees No. 115818 (PI) $128,900
Climate change, lemurs and recent megafaunal extinction